
neat picture

Our group

We are a research group at the University Hospital Göttingen studying various aspects of de- and regeneration in the adult CNS. The long term objective of the group is to develop neuro-protective treatment strategies for CNS disorders like trauma, ischemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or ALS.

Why study de- and regeneration?

These conditions are of high clinical and socio-economic relevance given that there are about 250-300 patients/year/100.000 inhabitants in Europe with the diagnosis of brain and spinal cord trauma and a even larger amount with the diagnosis of cerebral ischemia 1/3 of whom are left with severe long term disability. In the recent years such lesions also tend to affect younger people who will require nursing and social support for the rest of their lives. No neuroprotective or regenerative therapy is presently available, but recent scientific advances should make it possible to develop effective treatments within the next few years.

Our specific research objectives

  1. understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms that lead to neuronal cell death after CNS lesions,
  2. prevent the death and atrophy of axotomised and ischemic neurons,
  3. to counteract the factors in the CNS environment that inhibit axon regeneration, and
  4. to increase the regenerative response of axotomised CNS neurons.

Methods we use in our studies

These aims are addressed by studies on the molecular mechanisms of cell survival and cell death after lesions, on the reasons that are responsible for the inhibition of axon regeneration, and for the neuronal regenerative response, experiments on the promotion of regeneration in various in vivo and in vitro models and finally trials of potential therapies in highly standardized model systems (e.g. axonal trauma or focal ischemia) which represent human conditions.

Passing on the knowledge

In cooperation with the University of Göttingen the International Max Planck Research School offers two MSc/PhD/MD-PhD programs in the field of neuroscience and molecular biology. As a participating lab we take pleasure in passing on our knowledge to dedicated students. Program participants have the opportunity to perform practical rotations in our laboratory and acquire specific techniques as well as a theoretical background.

Open positions and Doctoral Theses (Doktorarbeiten)

  • If you are interested in lab work during your studies („Medizinische Doktorarbeit“, “Praktikum”, “Bachelor-/ Masterarbeit”) you can address group members directly and ask for current opportunities

Meeting update

The following institutions support our research

By selecting buttons on the navigation bar on the left side you can find more information about the group, links to other research laboratories and interesting sites on the internet.

How you can support our research

Research is very expensive. You can help us by donating even a small amount, which we can use to support research projects with consumables or pay for congress participation of our students.

Your donation is appreciated:

Verein zur Foerderung der Wissenschaft und Lehre an
der Neurologischen Klinik der UMG e.V.

Sparkasse Goettingen
Spendenkonto 19004464
BLZ: 260 500 01
IBAN: DE98 2605 0001 0019 0044 64
Reference:Forschung Neurologie


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